If you would like for your club or organization to become a member of JCAA please fill out this form and mail to the JCAA office address above with your check for $50 dollars. JCAA will consider your application and discuss it with our member clubs. All new clubs or organizations need to be voted on by the JCAA membership before they become a member. This is to insure that your club is a club and has the same goals and objectives as stated in JCAA bylaws. As a club or organizational member of JCAA you will have a vote on all policy issues since JCAA votes on all policy positions. You are allowed to send a club representative to the JCAA monthly meetings and to nominate one of your members to run for an office position at JCAA.
Remember JCAA is an association of clubs and organizations and they are the only ones that can vote. JCAA is also like a senate - each club gets one vote no matter how big or small.
If you have any questions contact the office 732-506-6565 or email Tom Fote tfote@jcaa.org.